"77394-101-12" National Drug Code (NDC)

Lather- Hand Sanitizer With Moisturizing Aloe 295 mL in 1 BOTTLE (77394-101-12)
(Lather, Inc.)

NDC Code77394-101-12
Package Description295 mL in 1 BOTTLE (77394-101-12)
Product NDC77394-101
Product Type NameHUMAN OTC DRUG
Proprietary NameLather- Hand Sanitizer With Moisturizing Aloe
Proprietary Name Suffix70 Percent
Non-Proprietary NameEthyl Alcohol
Dosage FormGEL
Start Marketing Date20200508
End Marketing Date20221231
Marketing Category NameOTC MONOGRAPH NOT FINAL
Application Numberpart333A
ManufacturerLather, Inc.
Substance NameALCOHOL
Strength UnitmL/100mL

Find more : http://www.hipaaspace.com/medical_billing/coding/national.drug.codes/77394-101-12