"62207-680-51" National Drug Code (NDC)

Acetaminophen, Aspirin And Caffeine 1 BOTTLE in 1 CARTON (62207-680-51) / 10 TABLET in 1 BOTTLE
(Granules India Ltd)

NDC Code62207-680-51
Package Description1 BOTTLE in 1 CARTON (62207-680-51) / 10 TABLET in 1 BOTTLE
Product NDC62207-680
Product Type NameHUMAN OTC DRUG
Proprietary NameAcetaminophen, Aspirin And Caffeine
Non-Proprietary NameAcetaminophen, Aspirin And Caffeine
Dosage FormTABLET
Start Marketing Date20210415
Marketing Category NameANDA
Application NumberANDA214039
ManufacturerGranules India Ltd
Strength250; 250; 65
Strength Unitmg/1; mg/1; mg/1
Pharmacy ClassesAnti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal [CS], Central Nervous System Stimulant [EPC], Central Nervous System Stimulation [PE], Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors [MoA], Decreased Platelet Aggregation [PE], Decreased Prostaglandin Production [PE], Methylxanthine [EPC], Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug [EPC], Platelet Aggregation Inhibitor [EPC], Xanthines [CS]

Find more : http://www.hipaaspace.com/medical_billing/coding/national.drug.codes/62207-680-51