"61957-2123-1" National Drug Code (NDC)

Diorskin Nude Air Nude Healthy Glow Ultra-fluid Serum Foundation With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf25 1 BOTTLE in 1 CARTON (61957-2123-1) / 30 mL in 1 BOTTLE
(Parfums Christian Dior)

NDC Code61957-2123-1
Package Description1 BOTTLE in 1 CARTON (61957-2123-1) / 30 mL in 1 BOTTLE
Product NDC61957-2123
Product Type NameHUMAN OTC DRUG
Proprietary NameDiorskin Nude Air Nude Healthy Glow Ultra-fluid Serum Foundation With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf25
Proprietary Name Suffix023 Peach
Non-Proprietary NameOctinoxate
Dosage FormLOTION
Start Marketing Date20141012
Marketing Category NameOTC MONOGRAPH DRUG
Application NumberM020
ManufacturerParfums Christian Dior
Substance NameOCTINOXATE
Strength Unitmg/mL

Find more : http://www.hipaaspace.com/medical_billing/coding/national.drug.codes/61957-2123-1