"49514-253-09" National Drug Code (NDC)

Antiseptic Hand Sanitizer 10 mL in 1 TUBE (49514-253-09)
(Staples the Office Superstore, LLC)

NDC Code49514-253-09
Package Description10 mL in 1 TUBE (49514-253-09)
Product NDC49514-253
Product Type NameHUMAN OTC DRUG
Proprietary NameAntiseptic Hand Sanitizer
Non-Proprietary NameAlcohol
Dosage FormSPRAY
Start Marketing Date20091230
Marketing Category NameOTC MONOGRAPH NOT FINAL
Application Numberpart333
ManufacturerStaples the Office Superstore, LLC
Substance NameALCOHOL
Strength UnitmL/100mL

Find more : http://www.hipaaspace.com/medical_billing/coding/national.drug.codes/49514-253-09