"0615-8279-30" National Drug Code (NDC)

Acetaminophen 6 BLISTER PACK in 1 BOX, UNIT-DOSE (0615-8279-30) > 5 TABLET in 1 BLISTER PACK
(NCS HealthCare of KY, LLC dba Vangard Labs)

NDC Code0615-8279-30
Package Description6 BLISTER PACK in 1 BOX, UNIT-DOSE (0615-8279-30) > 5 TABLET in 1 BLISTER PACK
Product NDC0615-8279
Product Type NameHUMAN OTC DRUG
Proprietary NameAcetaminophen
Non-Proprietary NameAcetaminophen
Dosage FormTABLET
Start Marketing Date20181018
End Marketing Date20221231
Marketing Category NameOTC MONOGRAPH NOT FINAL
Application Numberpart343
ManufacturerNCS HealthCare of KY, LLC dba Vangard Labs
Strength Unitmg/1

Find more : http://www.hipaaspace.com/medical_billing/coding/national.drug.codes/0615-8279-30